Thinking of expanding your skills by taking the SAP Certified Associate Project Manager exam C_PM_71? Here is what is required to know to successfully pass the exam.
What is the certification all about?
The objectives of the “SAP Certified Associate Project Manager” certification is to verify that you have the knowledge required in the area of SAP project management to be able to act as a Successful SAP Project Manager.
The SAP Certified Associate Project Manager exam requires a wide area of knowledge combined with some practical knowledge to from preferable multiple projects.
These key exam validation areas are; whether SAP focused project managers have business skills and the ability to apply methodologies and tools. Including if the project manager has skills to successfully manage internal and external stakeholders and knowledge of basic change management processes and communication methodologies.
What is the content of the exam?
The SAP Certified Associate Project Manager Exam is not one of the easy as the topics covered are very wide and require that you know the do’s and don’ts of implementing SAP using the SAP ASAP methodology as well as how SAP Solution Manager can be used to manage your project.
Below you can see the Topics and the weight of each topic in the exam score.
How to best prepare for the SAP Certified Associate Project Manager exam?
If asking SAP how to best prepare for the SAP Certified Associate Project Manager exam, they will say that you need to sign-up for the related courses in the individual topics provided by SAP.com
Alternative you can sign-up for SAP training classes at non SAP providers of SAP Project Training such as Successlearner.com where you will get the deep understanding of implementing SAP including mentoring that can help you get the wide knowledge of the topics that the exam needs
How to get started?
The SAP Education program is continues having a strong focus on ensuring to enhance the value of SAP’s certification offerings and improve the exams.
To be allowed to attend this exam you will need to document that you have sufficient SAP experience to be able to successfully pass the exams wide knowledge areas. So it is not just signing up and paying an exam fee.